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Tips for COVID-Proofing Your Commercial Building

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many people are becoming more and more concerned about their health and the cleanliness of the places they visit. As the country slowly starts to reopen, your employees, customers, and guests will need to feel safe and secure while spending time in your commercial building. More importantly, they’ll be trusting that you took proper measures to help decrease the spread of bacteria and viruses.

At Neptune Plumbing, our Cleveland plumbers can help install sensor activated/touchless fixtures as well as perform sterilization for domestic water systems.

The Importance of Installing Touchless Fixtures

Proper precaution against COVID-19 and many other common viruses, such as the flu, includes frequent hand washing.

In fact, according to a healthy handwashing survey conducted by the Bradley Corporation:

  • 78% of Americans are now washing their hands more than six times a day
  • 89% of Americans expect high quality businesses and facilities to have high quality restrooms
  • 60% of Americans now prefer touchless fixtures over standard ones

a person washing their hands using a touchless faucet

With standard fixtures, employees, guests, and/or tenants must physically touch faucets or flush valves, thus potentially spreading viruses and bacteria. Touchless fixtures, which use sensors to activate water dispersal or a flush mechanism, quickly eliminate the fast spread of germs, rendering your bathroom a safer and more hygienic place. Additionally, because touchless fixtures only work when activated, it will decrease water waste which will ultimately cut down on the cost of utilities and help conserve water. This means that it will also contribute to lowered operating costs.

Some of the touchless fixtures we can install include:

  • Sensor/touchless faucets
  • Retrofit sensor/touchless flush valves
  • Bottle fillers
  • Sensor/touchless flush valves

Domestic Water Testing & Sterilization

In addition to helping prevent the spread of COVID-19, it’s also important that you remove any warm, stagnant water from within your commercial property. This type of water is susceptible for promoting the growth of the bacteria that causes Legionnaire’s Disease.

Our experienced plumbers can test the water and safely remove it from your building’s premises, helping to keep your property sanitary and safe for employees, customers, and/or guests.

If you’re interested in COVID-proofing your commercial building, call (216) 600-0415 or contact us online for a free quote and consultation.
